Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Goals/Accomplishments

Between Wednesday and Today I have completed a lot of my draft. I am currently at 6 pages - I am, however, worried a bit about my draft and that I may be shifting my focus a bit. I think I intended for my focus to shift coherently through the paper, but my goal for today will be to re-read my draft and make sure I'm still on target with my purpose. From there I still have some writing to do about the implications of my research for teachers - my ultimate audience. This work I think will be saved for later today and over the weekend.

In re-reading my work I have decided I need to address the privilege I feel is associated with academic discourse. My thesis and over all concern with this paper I want to focus on is how while academic discourse is a source of power and privilege that acts as a source of opporession of minority students, for the time being there may not be a way to overcome this source of power but there is a way to engage minority students in the discourse and bring them up in the hierarchary present in academic writing.

Along with this decision - I wrote a few more paragraphs (at 7 pages now) and penciled in some edits and questions to my draft.

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