Monday, November 26, 2007

Seminar Paper - Update

Today I worked on creating an outline and updating my annotated bibliography more. As far as writing pieces of my seminar paper - I pasted quotes into my outline from sources I wanted to use and wrote some key statements about different parts of my outline.

From here, I need to go through and begin pulling together my thoughts and the sources I have pasted into the outline into paragraphs and eventually ... the paper.

I feel like this process (which is new for me) will be much more beneficial to ensuring I have all the information included in my paper I want to .

My outline - without the sources and thoughts included - looks like this :
I. There are many voices in writing
II. The Academic Voice
a. Comprehension – Humphries
b. What is it? – Bartholomae
c. History - Rose
III. The Minority Voice
a. Royster
b. Melix
c. Lu
IV. Meshing of the minority and academic voices
a. Lydia
b. Glau
c. Majidi
d. Lu
e. Royster
f. What doesn’t work / What does work
V. Teaching – Engaging the minority in academic discourse
a. Northedge
b. Lu
c. Bizzell (Outer-directed theory)

My current Thesis reads:
The academic voice is one often misunderstood or not understood altogether by many students. For minority students for whom English is a second language and/or academic discourse is not represented in their day-to-day lives, engaging in academic discourse communities is particularly difficult and teaching these students to engage in the community requires particular attention.

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